Saturday, March 14, 2009

I want to be one of those people...

I want to be one of those people you read about that started with nothing, made a million dollars, lost a million dollars and made another million dollars a totally different way. And then maybe they lost it again, who knows. I don't care, its not about the money, its about risk. What risks am I willing to take? And am I ever 'All in'? Because I don't think you can make a million unless you are willing to risk losing a million. I think its that simple.

We're taught to think of 'risk' in a negative sense mostly. Risk is a liability. It seperates the prudent from the foolish. We are constantly calculating what is an 'acceptable risk'. And this is valid for many practical life applications - driving in bad conditions, etc. But when it comes to our life decisions, decisions we should be making based on our inner voice, our instincts, towards satisfying our goals and dreams, those are the times we should never be hedging our bets. We should never be less than 'All in'. That's where I want to risk a million, make a million, lose a million and risk it all again. Throughout all my life. Always All in.

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